Recent Updates: Measurement heavy hitter Angela Jeffrey has written a summary of several conference sessions for PRNews. You can download all the speaker presentations at the AMEC site here. Tim Marklein has a summary of new thinking about ROI from the Summit. Ben Smith has a nice summary with some cool word clouds, too.
Our Ms. Paine was a presenter at the Lisbon AMEC European Summit on PR Measurement last week, and we will post a roundup of the whole conference from her soon. In the meantime, here are some early summaries and notes.
Lisbon Summit Summary—The Short Answer:
The big deal at the Lisbon Summit was to set priorities for future action. The top four, as voted on by delegates, were:
- How to measure the ROI of PR
- Create and adopt global standards for social media measurement
- Make measurement an intrinsic part of the PR toolkit
- Educate clients to insist on measurement of outputs, outcomes, and business results.
The Long Answer:
-- Here is AMEC's Summit summary email newsletter .
-- Here's the gist of the Summit summary press release from AMEC:
This year’s AMEC conference produced solid outcomes in the form of Valid Metrics for PR Measurement, a one-approach fits-all methodology.
Developing global standards for social media measurement, further education of the PR profession, and new work on the ROI of public relations emerged as the top priorities by delegates at the 3rd European Summit on Measurement in Lisbon last week.
Measurement professionals, PR agencies and clients from 33 countries attended the Lisbon Summit to chart a course for the future of public relations research, measurement and evaluation.
Nearly 200 delegates created the Measurement Agenda 2020, a series of action steps to build upon the outcome of the Measurement Summit a year ago, in Barcelona, where a similar international group of delegates created the Barcelona Principles of Measurement. Both campaigns are led by AMEC, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communications and the Institute for Public Relations, the organisers of the Summits.
Delegates voted from among 12 issues, or priorities, as to what is most important to focus on in the years ahead. The top vote-getters in rank order were:
- How to measure the return on investment (ROI) of public relations (89%)
- Create and adopt global standards for social media measurement (83%)
- Measurement of PR campaigns and programmes needs to become an intrinsic part of the PR toolkit (73%)
- Institute a client education program such that clients insist on measurement of outputs, outcomes and business results from PR programs (61%)
-- From Tim Marklein, Katie Delahaye Paine, and Richard Bagnall:
The slides of their Lisbon workshop: “Moving Towards Global Standards for Social Media Measurement”
-- From Jon Clements on PRMediaBlog: “PR Measurement — Today and Tomorrow?”
“ is the most tangible output from the Lisbon summit – the Valid Metrics approach for PR measurement. In an imperfect world, it’s a bloody good guide for anyone tasked with proving that PR is worth the investment.”
-- Richard Bagnall: “Working towards the PR Measurement Agenda 2020”
A blog post summary of the Lisbon discussion of “what it is that the PR industry most needs looking to the future.” Includes voting results on a list of 10 top needs:
“Three... came out top with a similar score...
- “Measurement of PR Campaigns and programs needs to become an intrinsic part of the PR toolkit” was top with 22% support...
- “Create and adopt global standards for social media measurement” was second just behind with 21% and...
- “Institute a client education program such that clients insist on measurement of outputs, outcomes and business results from PR programs” was third with 20% support.”
-- Tim Marklein: A Holmes Report video with with Arun Sudhaman at AMEC 2011 in Lisbon “AMEC 2011: Tim Marklein discusses the key challenges facing PR measurement” to discuss the two biggest challenges facing PR measurement: Building on the Barcelona principles, and upping education of agencies.
-- Richard Houghton: A Holmes Report video from AMEC 2011 in which ICCO President Richard Houghton discusses the continued use of AVEs by some agencies, and explains why firms have been so slow to invest in measurement:
“...If clients aren’t demanding it, there is no commercial benefit for the PR consultancy providing it.”
-- David Rockland video: Richard Bagnall asks David Rockland, one of the instrumental figures behind the recent Barcelona Principles, to summarise his thoughts on the summit.
-- Tonia Garcia: Here is her report from the Summit, “AMEC Measurement Summit Reignites AVE Debate” in PRNewser:
“Summit attendees will be talking about the results from the... International Business Monitor, a study that polled members of AMEC. Findings show 14 percent business growth for firms providing measurement and analysis services… Results also show that only 11 percent are reporting a client interest in social media measurement, and 44 percent think that clients and PR firms are ready to measure sans AVEs due to the release of the Barcelona Principles last year.”
--Bill Paarlberg is editor of The Measurement Standard blog and newsletter, and of Katie Paine's new book Measure What Matters. The Measurement Standard is a publication of KDPaine & Partners, a company that delivers custom research to measure brand image, public relationships, and engagement.