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June 22, 2010


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Kami Huyse

Yes, it needs to be more granular, but glad to see there is movement. Here is the link to the Principles, in case your readers want them: http://ow.ly/22eDa

Nina Zapala

I can't believe I just stumbled into this conversation for years I've been perplexed as to why the PR industry has no set measurement standards. In my opinion, and yes it's just my humble opinion, this degrades the PR profession, as how does one measure the effectiveness of a campaign. Please don't tell me it's measurable via advertising standards as this is akin to comparing apples to oranges. (I hate to say it but clients demand it!)

I am not only excited, but ecstatic that this information is now being circulated. I'm hopeful that PR clients from the smallest to the largest will be able to reap the benefits of measurement; aka campaign effectiveness.

Today is the day of change, and I can't wait for the many new measurement standards to take effect. These standards will help build credibility for the PR industry and when this occurs -- PR will rival the advertising industry, and we will all benefit as both industries have a specific purpose.

Bill Paarlberg

Nice to hear from you, Nina. The Measurement Standard, and of course our publisher Katie Paine have long been rooting for standards and against AVEs. If you haven't seen Katie's blog, there's some real hot action going on over there with her and Jack O'Dwyer and AVEs recently: http://kdpaine.blogs.com/
Thanks, Bill Paarlberg, TMS Editor

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