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January 21, 2010


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Paul Seaman

I'm not sure whether I filed my last comment correctly. But it challenged you to debate me on the validity of all of your comments because I refute that there is a social media revolution.

I should have added the question what is a relationship? It would seem that with Barack Obama many of us mistook a one night (one-election campaign) stand with a relationship. But a relationship is not a relationship unless it is sustained (a lesson I learnt in my youth when I used to sleep around). Then again, all relationships, like all communities, are exclusive rather than open or they are neither relationships nor communities with any meaning.

So would you be up for a debate either in front of an audience or just online - your blog to mine or vice versa.

Jim Macnamara

Thanks for the comment. Good to get feedback and discussion going. However, a "challenge to debate" and particularly 'refuting' my claims from the outset is quite a bold starting point for discussion. My first question is have you read my book? Above is a very short column drawn from a comprehensive 400-page analysis based on extensive research internationally. I would be very happy to debate and defend my findings, but as a starting point I would urge you to refer to my argument in total.

I did not claim that there is "a social media revolution". I have argued that "what is happening" constitutes a fourth media revolution, but what is happening, as outlined in my book, is a range of changes in media and public communication – in MSM, social media, networks, journalism, advertising, etc. In order to debate and particularly to "refute" my research, I would request that you be familiar with it. If/when you are, I suspect that we may be more on the same wavelength than you think.

Sharon J.

I've just finally got a grip on web 2.0 so what is this web 3.0? I can't keep up.

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