This amazing story caught my ear on NPR this mornign, about women who might benefit from Viagra, This is another example of the media and big time pharma focusing on the wrong issue. As I mentioned before, what good is an interest in sex if your aging post-cancer body can't enjoy it if its there? And what kind of choice is medicine giving women these days -- stay on Tamoxifen or your anti-estrogen drug of choice and give up sex. Or risk your cancer recurring by stopping your medication (as many women do) or by using estrogen-based vaginal moisturizers. That's a tough one, and if there was more discussion of it, I'd bet that the choices might not be what the doctor ordered. Imagine a young woman of 35 or 40, on Tamoxifen, being told that yes, after awhile, your libido will go away and your vagina will dry up and sex will be excruciatingly painful for the rest of your life. And by the way, good luck in the next 30 or 40 years of marriage. Yes, there are solutions like Women's Intimate Solutions. And yes, they make it better, but why is it that pharma is focusing its efforts on men and their problems and not looking into solutions for the tens of millions of women out there that suffer (or will soon) suffer from this problem?
You go, sister.
Posted by: Corgi | March 22, 2009 at 08:24 PM