Get out your clubs and sign up now for The 3rd Annual, CRESCENTIA CLASSIC Memorial Golf Tournament, held annually in memory of Crescentia Healy True, for whom this blog is named. Crescentia was an amazing force of nature who combined the capacity to change the world and get others to help her do it with a sense of humor and fun. She was simultaneously volunteer of the year in NH and my favorite dancing partner. My best memory of Crescentia was when someone asked her about her fake boobs, and she pulled out her bra inserts and handed them around the room. After everyone had thoroughly examined them, she put them back and said "whoa, I haven't had that much action in years." Needless to say she had the most extraordinary ability to laugh at the unbelievable challenges that life through at her. When she died in the Spring of 2006, I started this blog as a way of keeping her spirit alive, and reminding me to keep on trying to change the world. Her family and friends started the Crescenta Classic Golf Tournament to raise money for OnBelay, the organization she started to provide a place for the kids of cancer patients to go and just be kids. So whether you play golf or just want to support the cause, show up on Monday, August 11, 2008 7:00 a.m. Arrival ∙ 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start, The Oaks Golf Links, Route 108, Somersworth, NH ∙ Tel: 603.692.6257
Register by Monday, August 4th
(registration form attached)
* All proceeds go to On Belay *
Cost: $110 per player/$440 per foursome
Includes: Carts, luncheon and goody bags
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Best ∙ Closest-to-Pin on Holes ∙ Longest Drive
Hole-in-One Contest ∙ Putting Contest ∙ Casino Hole
Raffles, Prizes and Cool Stuff…and lots of fun!!!
For more information, e-mail [email protected]
or call 603.740.0300
On Belay is a unique program designed to fill an unmet need for children facing the upside down world of a parent, guardian or loved one dealing with cancer or other serious illnesses. "Belay" is an old sailing term meaning to secure, to hold fast. In the world of climbing it refers simply to the use of a rope with a friction system to stop a climber's potential fall. On Belay provides a balance of support and challenge for the Belayers designed to help them reach new heights. We believe that optimism and hope are powerful wellness agents. On Belay combines the best of age-appropriate challenges with a variety of other activities designed to help Belayers regain a sense of personal power, security and control.