I found out this morning that one of the most inspiring women I've ever met lost her battle with ovarian cancer last weekend. When I thought I had hair, and was going out without a wig, (but for all intents and purposes was balder than a newborn rat,) Barbara came up to me and said: "I'm about to lose my hair for the 8th time." She wasn't looking for sympathy, she was expressing her empathy with me and started sharing her hope that maybe this time, the new treatment would be the better than the ones before. At the time my first thought was "I'd rather shoot myself." But then I watched this woman show up at her daughter's concerts and enjoy the birth of her new grandchild, and I thought - she's not crazy, she's inspirational. When I saw her one day putting up posters around town for a benefit for the local hospice she simply explained, " I'm going to need them someday, I better help while I can." And I thought -- that's the kind of attitude you need to survive and thrive for as long as she has. Barbara, I'm missing you already, but you'll always be my inspiration.
Thanks for the nice words about my mom. She was a strong lady.
Posted by: David | June 02, 2007 at 10:47 AM
How beautiful. I am humbled every day by the stories of extraordinary strangers. Thanks.
Posted by: dawn | June 23, 2007 at 04:48 PM