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June 2011


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What does KDPaine & Partners do?

  • What does KDPaine & Partners do?
    What does KDPaine & Partners do? KDPaine & Partners offers customized research and consulting services for public relations and social media programs. KDPaine & Partners provides its clients with the insight and knowledge they need to measure the effectiveness of their communications efforts, and to help them make better, more informed decisions for their organizations. We measure external and internal communications, social and traditional media, events, public affairs, and corporate communications. We specialize in projects in the fields of Defense, Education, Consumer Packaged Goods, Government Agences, High Technology and Non-profits. We can help you with your existing program, and we can help you develop a new program. We have over two decades of experience helping clients define Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) and establish measureable goals. Half-day and full-day workshops available.
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