« Measure What Matters, the new book from Katie Delahaye Paine, will be available 3/15/11. | Main | Measuring the Impact of Events, Sponsorships, and Speaking Engagements »



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Where you can order Measure What Matters

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Praise for Measure What Matters

  • “This book is filled with impressively sound judgement, tremendously powerful guidance, and practical how-to advice.”
    —Jim Sterne

    Measure What Matters will teach you just about everything you need to know about managing online relationships.”
    —Eric. T. Peterson

    “Katie Paine has elevated measurement from mere science to high art and, in the process, given us a powerful new set of tools that refute the tired claim that customer relationships can’t be quantified. Marketers should devour this book.
    —Paul Gillin

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  • This is the Measure What Matters Blog
    The Measure What Matters blog promotes Measure What Matters, the new book by Katie Delahaye Paine, available 3/15/11 from Wiley Publishers. MWM is the second edition of Paine's earlier book Measuring Public Relationships, with expanded material on online measurement and social media, and with greater emphasis on measurement as a valuable tool for general business use.
  • Measure What Matters will be available for the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other devices shortly after publication.

Where to Buy Measure What Matters

What does KDPaine & Partners do?

  • What does KDPaine & Partners do?
    What does KDPaine & Partners do? KDPaine & Partners offers customized research and consulting services for public relations and social media programs. KDPaine & Partners provides its clients with the insight and knowledge they need to measure the effectiveness of their communications efforts, and to help them make better, more informed decisions for their organizations. We measure external and internal communications, social and traditional media, events, public affairs, and corporate communications. We specialize in projects in the fields of Defense, Education, Consumer Packaged Goods, Government Agences, High Technology and Non-profits. We can help you with your existing program, and we can help you develop a new program. We have over two decades of experience helping clients define Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) and establish measureable goals. Half-day and full-day workshops available.
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