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April 12, 2010


converse all star

I did want to let you know that Biz360 also provides analytics for traditional AND social media (we've been doing traditional for 10 years, and social for about two). Although we do not provide web analytics, we do provide phrase clouds and other advanced analytics within our platforms.

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I am glad to hear that. Thanks for the information.



PeopleBrowsr has just launched Analytic.ly and we'd love to show you around.




Have you seen Sysomos MAP, our social media analytics service? If you'd like a demo, let me know.

Mark Evans
Director of Communications
Sysomos Inc.



Would be interesting to catch up with you and compare notes - we have
been looking at Attensity and Autonomy - looks like SAS has similar
natural language processing. I'd be interested in seeing a more
rigorous comparison to test the "92 percent" accuracy you are quoted
as giving to SAS in the NY Times...





First of all, I'm a huge fan of your work as someone in the monitoring / measurement space.

Secondly, thanks again for popping over to our blog at Biz360 and providing commentary about our sentiment measurement method.

Thirdly, the SAS tool you describe seems great; I've been a fan of SAS since my MBA days.

I did want to let you know that Biz360 also provides analytics for traditional AND social media (we've been doing traditional for 10 years, and social for about two). Although we do not provide web analytics, we do provide phrase clouds and other advanced analytics within our platforms. If you are ever inclined, I'd love to give you a personalized tour.

You can always find me on Twitter as @themaria and @biz360 or email mogneva (at) biz360 (dot) com

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