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March 19, 2010


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The second was a study titled "Reactions to professional athletes: An empirical study by Tomasz A Fediuk, Wesley Lind, Benjamin Kotenberg and Timothy Schlosser all of Illinois State University. The surveed 203 people to determine if the impact of an apology and accepting repsonsiblity has any impact on reutation damage, support intents and puncishment expectations when the subject of the crisis is a professional athlete. As it turns out, when athletes accept responsibility and apology they suffer less reputation damage and enjoy higher support from fans than athletes who do not accept responsibility. However, the study also showed that just because an athlete apologies, doesn't mean that he or she should escape punishment. Also interesting was that the researchers separated athletes from non-athletes and found that while athletes viewed ssteroid use as less severe than non-atheletes, the two groups did not differ in other perceptions. The greatest predictor of reputation damage, support intentions and punishexpectionas was the perception of the severity of the officence. Tiger, are you liste

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Not to carry aside in the wonderful details on this post, but Minjeong Kang of Syracuse is not Chinese. It's a Korean name...

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Account Deleted

P, Actually I wasn't just referring to her surname, but also to "Minjeong", which is a very common female Korean name. Never met a Chinese with that names in all my years living in China... :-) Again, it doesn't take anything away from this great post. Cheers!


Yes Visitken,

the comments defer to, in my opinion, and very clearly, the honest approach. It is no suprise to most of us that "honesty is a virtue". Say that in a boardroom (from a comms perspective with a fire breathing CEO in tow) and I guarantee hardship. I am an advocate of honesty, acceptance, and humility before reaction to a crisis. Where is comms risk management these days?

And how many companies right now wish they had thought about it sooner?

Ms. Kang is a Korean name, but perhaps she married into an ethnically diverse family where they didn't mind women using their family names. Possible?



Account Deleted

Not to take away from the great information in this post, but Minjeong Kang of Syracuse is not Chinese. It's a Korean name...

Linda VandeVrede

This post feeds into my general discontent with the APR process. I hope that PRSA updates their exam to match the rapidity with which the public relations profession is changing. The basic building blocks of PR training aren't always sufficient, even if the official montra is that the APR process teaches you to research, period. Great info - thanks for posting.

John Soriano

Hello, Katie.

Thank you for this insight. As a public relations recent graduate my interest and focus is in crisis communication. These are great points and examples. Another effective tool that could be used is social media. As an outlet for two way communication just about anyone can reach out to its fans and followers on a personal level. Even responding to one question or comment can be effective. I have a post on my blog about the crisis with Tiger Woods and mentioned the effectiveness of communicating with his fans via social media.


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