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October 27, 2009


Promotional Products

What exciting news!!! I love @Richard's comment... Hope all goes well in the UK.


I flinched a bit at the Emancipation Proclamation comparison. Metaphorical slavery doesn't have quite the same impact as the real thing.

having said that, this change certainly makes for saner PR/Communications practice. thanks for the heads up - your blog is always a must-read!

Jim Bowman

Great news, Katie. AVEs always were a lame construct. Now, the combined effects of the diminishing impact of traditional news media, combined with diverse new online channels that defy easy categorization, should make mention of AVEs disappear from serious conversation of PR measurement. Tell the stone carver to get to work.

Jim Bowman
The PR Doc®

Richard Bailey


The UK has another better example of the AVE problem. Arguably, the most influential media channel is the BBC, which is an advertising-free, public service broadcaster (and online channel). Does that mean, I ask people who use AVE, that there's no value of being mentioned on the BBC News?

It's so clearly a nonsense that it is amazing that the battle still has to be fought. More strength to your elbow.

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