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May 20, 2008



Laughing Mind I like the way you think. We actually find segmenting them into "Supportive" "Neutral" and "Critical" is helpful as well


Interesting list. I found myself trying to see how many I could cluster under a simpler pattern using the 4 levels of dialogue that Bill Isaacs covers under his work at http://www.dialogos.com/about/heritage.html also covered at

Anyway, those 4 levels of dialogue:
Stage one is "Shared Monologues", where group members get used to talking to each other.
Stage two is "Skillful Discussion", where people are learning the skills of dialogue.
Stage three is "Reflective Dialogue", which is approximately Bohm's idea of dialogue.
Stage four is "Generative Dialogue", a special "creative" dialogue Isaacs seeks for his groups.


And, I thought I was always being unique and creative. Nothing is ever new, is it?

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