Now that "Measuring Public Relationships" is on the shelves, I'm starting on book two. The only problem is, I cant' decide what to work on first. So I thought I'd throw it out to the universe and ask my faithful readers what they wanted to be reading a year from now.
Option 1 :
Measuring real naked conversations.
This year, the industry will go from "good idea" stage to best practices in the measurement of social media. This book will examine not just the tools and techniques but will explore how leading organizations are now measuring the effectiveness of their social media strategies. It will in essence expand chapter 10 from Measuring Relationships into a book of its own.
Option 2:
Tales from the PR Measurement Trenches
After 20 years in the business, I've measured it all. From floating cars, to mugs, to crises, I've developed ways to evaluate them. Tales from the PR Measurement Trenches will feature stories from marketers and professional communicators that cover the following:
- Tales from the non-profit trenches:
- Evaluating the impact of crisis PR on online donations and membership
- Tales from the corporate trenches:
- Making the case for Analyst Relations thru measurement
- Tying product launches to new membership and revenue
- Using PR measurement to guide product marketing
- Using PR measurement for competitive advantage
- Using PR to determine communications strategy
- Tales from the government trenches:
- Using research to shape public policy
- Using research to shape political campaigns
- Tales from the Agency trenches:
- Using PR research to make guide and manage your PR agency
- Using PR research in an agency search
- Tales from the Academic trenches:
- Using research to define communications strategy and tactics in an academic environment
- Using research to just say no
- Tales from the international trenches
- Using research to manage your messages world wide
So vote in our poll, let me know your thoughts
Hi Katie
I have also been focused on the subject of measuring online influence and would value your thoughts on this.
Perhaps in your book you may be able to answer some of the questions or expand on some of the conclusions that this paper raised.
Link to social media white paper.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Posted by: Jonny Bentwood | January 17, 2008 at 06:46 AM
This is a tough one Katie. Many years ago I "hit it" with the execs at the company I was employed at when I used your methodology of measuring the effectiveness at a trade show booth. No one in the 40 plus years had ever done that and here I was a little women mid-manager showing the success of a trade show I fought to be at because I believed it would help the company and I was right. So, option 2 is still very meaningful.
On the other hand, option 1 seems to be the direction of marketing and one that I think is still very much untested and to have you take your knowledge and insight would be beneficial to everyone.
I lean towards option 1.
Posted by: Charlene | January 16, 2008 at 10:09 PM
I like option 1, but find another title, too much of that has already been taken. It would just confuse people.
Posted by: john cass | January 15, 2008 at 11:10 PM
I disagree with first comment and many of the twitter replies. I think you should go with Option #2. We are so much more than Social Media. Too often PR people cannot measure the basics and then expectations are set too high for social media. Both sides are killed if one doesn't know the basics of measurement.
Posted by: Lauren Vargas | January 15, 2008 at 09:06 AM
Companies are looking to spend more on Social Media Marketing in 2008 and clients (mine included) consistently ask, "What's the ROI on Social Media", "How can I measure success?", "What metrics are available?", and "How do I sell the value of SMM to my boss?"
Measuring Social Media is a REALLY hot topic that's on a lot of marketers' minds. I feel strongly that you'd get a much larger readership by writing this book as opposed to the PR book.
I can not wait to read it, Katie!
Posted by: Mike Proulx | January 15, 2008 at 08:28 AM