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January 15, 2008


Jonny Bentwood

Hi Katie

I have also been focused on the subject of measuring online influence and would value your thoughts on this.

Perhaps in your book you may be able to answer some of the questions or expand on some of the conclusions that this paper raised.

Link to social media white paper.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.



This is a tough one Katie. Many years ago I "hit it" with the execs at the company I was employed at when I used your methodology of measuring the effectiveness at a trade show booth. No one in the 40 plus years had ever done that and here I was a little women mid-manager showing the success of a trade show I fought to be at because I believed it would help the company and I was right. So, option 2 is still very meaningful.

On the other hand, option 1 seems to be the direction of marketing and one that I think is still very much untested and to have you take your knowledge and insight would be beneficial to everyone.

I lean towards option 1.

john cass

I like option 1, but find another title, too much of that has already been taken. It would just confuse people.

Lauren Vargas

I disagree with first comment and many of the twitter replies. I think you should go with Option #2. We are so much more than Social Media. Too often PR people cannot measure the basics and then expectations are set too high for social media. Both sides are killed if one doesn't know the basics of measurement.

Mike Proulx

Companies are looking to spend more on Social Media Marketing in 2008 and clients (mine included) consistently ask, "What's the ROI on Social Media", "How can I measure success?", "What metrics are available?", and "How do I sell the value of SMM to my boss?"

Measuring Social Media is a REALLY hot topic that's on a lot of marketers' minds. I feel strongly that you'd get a much larger readership by writing this book as opposed to the PR book.

I can not wait to read it, Katie!

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