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September 26, 2007


Alecia O'Brien

Hi Katie – great post. The rise of social networking sites and video posting sites are certainly causing corporate communicators severe grief. Their work loads have increased as a result of having to spend copious amounts of time monitoring the blogs, networking sites and their international equivalents that keep popping up (think Facebook’s bigger rival, Bebo, in the UK). They’re having to develop corporate blogging rules to ensure their own employees don’t say anything out of turn and proactive PR strategies to defend themselves should a disgruntled customer decide to post a video somewhere condemning their product.

What a nightmare. It’s almost like the big, established brands of the world need to consider a new employee role for their communications department – a Corporate Communications Social Media Monitor...!

Message management is extremely difficult and is only going to become more so. As the technology continues to increase (think of the entrepreneurial and VC boom that has occurred for Facebook plug-ins), so too is the technology for tools to help comms people keep tabs on what is going on and being said.

The rules of the public relations game have changed and perhaps comms people need to rethink their playing strategy. For example, tons of journalists are on Facebook. Maybe there are some relationships that can be leveraged here? Comms people could log on, befriend their key stakeholders and learn more about the journalist’s writing and preferred pitching style than they ever could through a basic media database. If anything, it’s a step towards message management.

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